Hospital effluent may contain large variety of potentially hazardous components including, microbiological pathogens, radioactive isotopes, disinfectants & sterilizants, drugs and their metabolites, chemical compounds, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals etc., at high concentrations and containing some solids disposed by staff and patients.
Wastewater from hospitals categorized into as follows
- Black water: It is highly polluted wastewater consists of blood faecal matter, urine, food residues, toxic chemicals etc.
- Grey water: It is low contaminated wastewater with residues from bathing, washing, laboratory processes and many such.
- Storm water: Which consist of rainwater from roofs, grounds and other areas in hospitals
Proper treatment of hospital wastewater is very much essential. Why because, if the effluent from hospitals is not properly treated, then the environment and human health can be negatively impacted. Hence, the selection of suitable treatment technology called effluent treatment plant for hospitals is very much required
The main objective of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is to remove as much of the suspended solids and organic matter as possible before the waste water is discharged back to the environment or re-used for various hospital purposes. When untreated wastewater mixes with groundwater it can create significant health risks by causing serious infectious diseases to people who have suppressed immune systems. GRAM team dedicative works for treating the hospital effluent treatment plant with smaller foot prints with greater results. Due the area constrains in the hospitals we have introduce the bloom box principle in the hospital ETP Which gives quality output meet out with the pollution board standards.